Dave Carlson is a musician I play regularly on the Homegrown show. He was a unique individual who lived in Dodge Cove, and worked at Love Electric in Prince Rupert. He drove an old Triumph or Norton motorbike and hauled it back and forth every day in his herring skiff. I met him on my very first trip up the coast with Zoe in the Sailfish. He played his original songs for hours at a party up on the deck of the boat when it was tied up at Cow Bay. He often came and ate lunch with us when we were in Prince Rupert. He died in ’96 or 97, without ever releasing any of his excellent music. The only recorded copies of it known to exist are what myself and Derek copied to digital off of an old tape that he made for Zoe, before it wore out from constant use because everyone liked it so much. If anyone who reads this has anything to add or more info or knows of more of his recorded music out there anywhere, I would love to play more of his songs on the Homegrown Show. I am not certain what the titles of his songs all are. I hope I am honouring his memory well keeping his music alive on the Homegrown Show. He wrote songs that capture the feel of the northern BC coast, its fishing towns, the enroachment of civilization on the freedom loving way of life, its rugged beauty, perilous weather, and rough waters that suddenly turn to sparkling sunshine on the spur of the moment. Some of the songs of his I have played are “the Yacht club” and “Oona River” I can’t post a link to his music because as far as I know, there aren’t any.